Samstag, 28. März 2015

Logging the UVR 1611

Tags: UVR 1611, BL-Net, blnet, python, logging, Technische Alternative, Raspberry, Beaglebone, UVR 16x2

I wrote that i have many of them and checking outside if the programmed control loops work as expected is important for me. So i was digesting another piece of code i found on the net called dlogg ( and put it into python for some fun.

That code talks to a BL-NET - basically a device bridging the CAN bus of the UVR and Ethernet.

Each UVR 1611 is able to provide two frames to log on the blnet. The blnet can log up to 8 frames. The code checks how many frames it can grab and then gets them in sequence. All is concatenated together and put into a protocol buffer.

And this is what i am going to do with it.

Give me a week to continue reporting on this. Back in mid April 2015.

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